Making a Difference – Teaser in German Sign Language with German subtitles.

Making a Difference

Making a Difference is a Berlin-based network founded in 2018 to promote the independent work of disabled, d/Deaf and chronically ill artists in dance. Eight organisations have joined forces to create high-quality, accessible training and production opportunities through workshops, residencies and co-productions. The central guideline of the project is to fill all leadership and expert positions with disabled, d/Deaf and chronically ill people.

News and recommendations

Project in transition

The funding for Making a Difference as part of TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund ended on February 29, 2024. The project’s administration was also passed on within the network in March 2024, moving from Sophiensælen to Uferstudios.

The network is currently forging plans for the future together with Berlin artists and allies. The new project management can now be reached at and will introduce itself here in the coming weeks. If telephoning is more accessible for you, please contact Uferstudios by phone and ask for a call back. The number for Uferstudios is: 030 460 60 887.

As the project management is currently not working full-time, it may take one to two working days to answer your inquiries. We ask for your understanding.

To stay up to date and not miss any open calls or dates, follow Making a Difference on Instagram at @mad_berlin and sign up for the newsletter! Simply send an email to with the subject “Registration Newsletter”.

Our publication is out!

Under the title „Making a Difference 2018-2024. Developing, cultivating, and strengthening anti-ableist practice in the field of dance”, we look back on the last six years. In the form of interviews with artists and reports on developments in the network’s partner organisations, Chapter 1 provides insights into project practice over the last six years. Chapter 2 “What it takes to act – a knowledge transfer” gives an overview of our perspectives on disability, ableism, privilege and audism as well as initial practical recommendations for anti-ableist working practices in the cultural sector and beyond.

Click here to open the digital publication as accessible PDF

Five questions for…

As we conclude the project, we look back on the last six years and realise: Making a Difference has made a difference. Under the title “Five questions for…” we interviewed six artists over the past year, who co-produced a piece with Making a Difference under their own artistic direction. In the interviews, Tamara Rettenmund, Carolin Hartmann, Rita Mazza, Jan Kress, Camilla Pölzer und Sophia Neises talk about their artistic projects, their plans and wishes for the future.

The video interviews are available on our website and social media channels. They are in German spoken language, German Sign Language and come with German and English subtitles and transcripts.

Click here to access the videos