Making a Difference – Teaser in German Sign Language with German subtitles.

Making a Difference

Making a Difference is a Berlin-based network founded in 2018 to promote the independent work of disabled, d/Deaf and chronically ill artists in dance. Eight organisations have joined forces to create high-quality, accessible training and production opportunities through workshops, residencies and co-productions. The central guideline of the project is to fill all leadership and expert positions with disabled, d/Deaf and chronically ill people.

News and recommendations

Open call

Making a Difference is offering a short-term residency for a team of three people between November 11 and November 17, 2024.

Disabled, Deaf and/or chronically ill artists and allies from Berlin are invited to use studio 17 at Uferstudios. They can explore common themes, develop working methods or think about future projects. 

A final presentation promoted via Making a Difference is possible.

Making a Difference provides a budget of three fees of each 1200 €, material costs and basic technical support.  

Travel and accommodation for one artist who is not from Berlin can be covered by arrangement. 


Studio 17 has 66 m2 and is accessible via a ramp with a 5.2 % incline.
Accessible Toilets are approx. 20 m away.
There is no separate changing room.
Beanbags and chairs are available in the studio.
If you have any questions about accessibility or would like to tell us about individual accessibility requirements in advance, please feel free to contact us.


Please send your application with a letter of motivation (may 1 din A4 page or 5 min audio / video) and short bios of all participants to by 24.10.2024.

You can expect a reply by 28.10.

We look forward to your applications!

Juli & Leo 

Making a Difference 

Audioflyer for the Open Call

Project in transition

The funding for Making a Difference as part of TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund ended on February 29, 2024. The administration of the network project moved from Sophiensæle to Uferstudios.

Juli, a female read, white person in her early 40s with dark blonde, long hair and Leo, a trans* non-binary, white person in their early 30s with short hair are sitting on or in front of a purple beanbag. They are sitting half in front of each other, half next to each other and leaning slightly towards each other. Leo is slightly leaning back and has one leg bent in front of them. They look straight and fixedly into the camera. Juli is leaning against the beanbag with her left hand resting on her bent knee and her head turned slightly to the side. She is also looking directly into the camera. Both are wearing (by chance) white, short-sleeved shirts and light-coloured trousers. Plants are growing around them. In front, tall grass partially covers their legs, while the background is fully covered by a green climbing plant blocking out the daylight.

Since July 2024, there has been a new project management team consisting of Leo Naomi Baur (they/them, on the right side) and Juli Reinartz (she/her, on the left side). Here they introduce themselves.

Leo Naomi Baur and Juli Reinartz can now be reached at If telephoning is more accessible for you, please contact Uferstudios by phone and ask for a call back. The number for Uferstudios is: 030 460 60 887.

As the project management is currently not working full-time, it may take one to two working days to answer your inquiries. We ask for your understanding.

To stay up to date and not miss any open calls or dates, follow Making a Difference on Instagram at @mad_berlin and sign up for the newsletter! Simply send an email to with the subject “Registration Newsletter”.

Our publication is out!

Under the title „Making a Difference 2018-2024. Developing, cultivating, and strengthening anti-ableist practice in the field of dance”, we look back on the last six years. In the form of interviews with artists and reports on developments in the network’s partner organisations, Chapter 1 provides insights into project practice over the last six years. Chapter 2 “What it takes to act – a knowledge transfer” gives an overview of our perspectives on disability, ableism, privilege and audism as well as initial practical recommendations for anti-ableist working practices in the cultural sector and beyond.

Click here to open the digital publication as accessible PDF