Making a Difference launched in 2018 with a wide-ranging programme. 2018 to 2021 we offered workshops for artists, a research group for dance teachers, workshops in schools, dance vouchers, research labs, residencies, co-productions, an international conference, teacher trainings, online dance classes and conversation series. You can find an overview of all events from 2018 to 2021 in our archive.
Since 2022 the project centres around two main areas:
1. the promotion of artists through residencies and co-productions as well as workshops.
2. the further training of the partner organisations of the Making a Difference network in the field of anti-discriminatory cultural work.

Under the title “Developing, cultivating and strengthening anti-ableist cultural practice in the field of dance”, the publication provides insights into the project years 2018 – 2024.
Residences and Co-productions

Since the beginning of the project, Making a Difference has offered at least one residency to Berlin or international artists every year.

Several times a year Making a Difference organises workshops on artistic accessibility tools for disabled and d/Deaf dance practitioners in Berlin. The workshops are led by local, national and international artists who have firmly anchored forms of aesthetic accessibility (Aesthetics of Access) in their practice. These include Sophia Neises, Chisato Minamimura and Jess Thom.
Training and Knowledge Transfer

Since 2022, Making a Difference has been focusing on intensifying the collaboration with the network partners. Joint as well as organisation-specific development goals are pursued, paving the way for an inclusive restructuring of the Berlin dance sector.

Between the 1st and 5th of September 2021 disabled artist-curators, Kate Marsh and Noa Winter invited to conversations, practice, safer spaces and public sharings. At the core of this invitation was the aim to come together in ways that make space for all. Over five days the curators invited international artists not only to share their practices, but to bring in those conversations that they always wanted to have.