Five questions for… Carolin Hartmann

Interview with Carolin Hartmann from April 4, 2023. In German spoken language with German Sign Language interpretation and subtitles in German and English (selectable).

Click here to access the transcript in written English

“Five questions for…” is the title under which Making a Difference project leaders Anne Rieger and Noa Winter interviewed six disabled and Deaf artists in April and June 2023. As part of Making a Difference, all of them created a production under their own artistic directorship. In the videos, Tamara Rettenmund, Carolin Hartmann, Rita Mazza, Jan Kress, Camilla Pölzer, and Sophia Neises talk about their artistic projects, their plans, and their wishes for the future.

interview: Anne Rieger | video: Mayra Wallraff | DGS interpreting: Katja Fischer | english subtitles: Maria Wünsche / Panthea | video editing and post-production: Gina Jeske / Making a Difference

A production by Making a Difference. The Making a Difference network is supported by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion/Co-Financing Fund.